Men's and Ladies Night

Men’s and Ladies Night are great opportunities to get out weekly for some fun competition with friends. Each week may feature a new theme or golf game featuring awesome prizes and great specials in the kitchen!

Men's Night

Our Men’s League is currently full but we currently are accepting applications for our waiting list. If interested contact [email protected].

Ladies Night

Only tee times available are between 3:30pm and 4:00pm. Please contact Darlene at [email protected] if you have any questions.


Transcona Golf Club has facilitated many golf tournaments over the years. If you are looking for a great course for all levels of play, that provides a variety of options for your golf tournament, and great menu options to finish off the evening right! 

Some of the tournaments we have hosted at TGC:

  • Golf Manitoba Junior Championship
  • Golf Manitoba Match Play Qualifiers
  • Maple Leaf Junior Tour Tournament
  • Transcona Golf Club His & Hers
  • Transcona Golf Club Corn Roast
  • Transcona Golf Club Senior Scramble
  • Kyle Johnson Memorial Tournament
  • Transcona Railers Golf Tournament
  • Bob Moffat Memorial Tournament
  • Winnipeg Minor Hockey Golf Tournament
  • Maurice Dumontier Memorial Golf Tournament


Junior Program

Would you like your child to get excited about golf?! Are they already playing golf but would like to learn more? Sign them up for the Transcona Golf Club Junior Golf Program.

Our program is designed for junior boys and girls (age 17 and under) and is run by Class A CPGA Golf Professional Steve Witiuk, who has over 25 years of experience and teaching.

Contact the pro shop for more information
